Poor People's Campaign

Mobilizing, Organizing, Registering and Educating People for a Movement That Votes in Georgia!

Poll Monitoring

The Poor People’s Campaign, Georgia Coalition for the People’s Agenda, Common Cause GA, and our partners are recruiting volunteers to make sure every vote is counted in Georgia! If you are interested in volunteering as a poll monitor, sign up here!

Voter Canvassing

Join the Georgia Poor People’s Campaign to canvass in Southern Georgia as we mobilize people to the polls while building a movement to end poverty for the longterm. This is a socially distanced Covid safe canvass. Masks and gloves will be provided to those that do not have it.

Training to Text and Mobilize GA Voters to the Polls!

Building on our 2020 election work to mobilize poor and low-income voters to the polls, the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival invites you to join us in textbanking for the critical Georgia run-off elections. Training will include an overview of the texting platform, ThruText, a focus on how this work connects to our larger campaign goals, and demonstration and time to practice using the technology.  

Through this textbank, you will help GA voters to develop a voting plan and connect them to the Georgia chapter of the Poor People’s Campaign.

You only need to be trained once. After you are trained, you will receive a schedule of Virtual Gatherings that you can join that will not include a training component.