Come to an art build on April 3rd to produce signage for the rally in Annapolis on April 5th and for the mass assembly on June 18th! You may use paper, fabric, or other material from your home or go purchase some supplies from the store and come prepared to work on signs to take … Continued
On Monday, April 4th at 11am clergy, partners, and directly impacted people with the Poor People's Campaign from across Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia will gather at Freedom Plaza to dedicate the space for the Mass Poor People's and Low-Wage Workers' Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls on June 18th, 2022! … Continued
Save the Date! Pass social justice legislation! Join the Maryland Poor People’s Campaign, Jews United for Justice, CASA, and others in Annapolis to urge the Maryland General Assembly to pass critical social justice legislation. The rally is during the last week of the Maryland General Assembly 2022 session, so this is our last chance to … Continued
Tuesday April 5- Sunday April 10, 2022 Poor and low-wealth people launch a Harper’s Ferry-to-Martinsburg Moral March on West Virginia. Join them along with PPC:NCMR leaders, partner organizations, and women and children who lost the child tax credit, because of Sen. Joe Manchin. March with us starting at 10am ET each morning from Harper’s Ferry, … Continued
Poor and low-wealth people launch a Harper’s Ferry-to-Martinsburg Moral March on West Virginia. Join them along with PPC:NCMR leaders, partner organizations, and women and children who lost the child tax credit, because of Sen. Joe Manchin. March with us starting at 10am ET each morning from Harper’s Ferry, WV, to Martinsburg, WV, with a 10am … Continued
Tuesday April 5- Sunday April 10, 2022 Poor and low-wealth people launch a Harper’s Ferry-to-Martinsburg Moral March on West Virginia. Join them along with PPC:NCMR leaders, partner organizations, and women and children who lost the child tax credit, because of Sen. Joe Manchin. March with us starting at 10am ET each morning from Harper’s Ferry, … Continued
Poor and low-wealth people launch a Harper’s Ferry-to-Martinsburg Moral March on West Virginia. Join them along with PPC:NCMR leaders, partner organizations, and women and children who lost the child tax credit, because of Sen. Joe Manchin. March with us starting at 10am ET each morning from Harper’s Ferry, WV, to Martinsburg, WV, with a 10am … Continued
Poor and low-wealth people launch a Harper’s Ferry-to-Martinsburg Moral March on West Virginia. Join them along with PPC:NCMR leaders, partner organizations, and women and children who lost the child tax credit, because of Sen. Joe Manchin. March with us starting at 10am ET each morning from Harper’s Ferry, WV, to Martinsburg, WV, with a 10am … Continued
What: Moral March on Wall Street and Mass Meeting When: Monday, April 11, 4:30 pm gather, 5 pm march, 6 pm programWhere: 4:30pm Gather outside of the Museum of the American Indian (Bowling Green Subway Station) 5:00pm Moral March on Wall Street 6:00 Moral Monday Mass Meeting at Trinity Wall Street (89 Broadway, NY, NY 10006) COVID … Continued
Join the Maryland Poor People’s Campaign at the Baltimore County Arts Guild Catonsville Clubhouse for an art build on April 21 in preparation for the mass assembly on June 18th!The art build will lead into a poetry open mic that you are welcome to attend afterwards!Registration link coming soon!
The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival invites you to join poor and low-income, directly impacted people, faith leaders, and moral advocates from Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware for the The Mass Poor People's & Low-Wage Workers' Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls Mobilization Tour in person and … Continued
All are welcome to join the Maryland Poor People’s Campaign in a celebration of the power of the arts to inspire our movement! Join us on Sunday, May 1, from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm at St. Paul’s United Church of Christ in Westminster, MD.Share food, music, art, & fellowship. Bring a dish for the … Continued