Minnesota Meetup at the Oakdale Library — POSTPONED
THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED. Help set the focus and priorities for our work in Minnesota! Come share your views about our most pressing issues as we put together our … Continued
THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED. Help set the focus and priorities for our work in Minnesota! Come share your views about our most pressing issues as we put together our … Continued
On May 25th, 2020, George Floyd was murdered by former Officer Derek Chauvin in South Minneapolis. The social unrest and mass movement mobilization that followed sparked a global conversation about … Continued
Join the Minnesota Poor People's Campaign online to learn more about The Poor People's Jubilee Platform. We'll have presenters from our national organization share and answer questions. To register, click … Continued
Dear members and supporters of the MNPPC, We are writing this CALL TO ACTION to urge you to turn out and support the Treaty People Gathering event being organized to … Continued
The MINNESOTA Poor People’s Campaign will join with over 40 state #PoorPeoplesCampaign coordinating committees, religious & moral leaders & organizing partners online & in person in Raleigh for the National Poor People’s & … Continued
5/21/22 UPDATE
*DEADLINE for TRAVEL SCHOLARSHIPS is MONDAY-5/23 at 5pmCST! Read below for more info on how to get help!*Dear Movement Makers and Justice Seekers, EVERYONE is welcome to join us … Continued