Poor People's Campaign

Illinois Faith Leaders Convocation!

Mt. Carmel Missionary Baptist Church 2976-78 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago

Saturday February 22nd. 10am-12pm Mt. Carmel Missionary Baptist Church 2976-78 South Wabash Avenue We are organizing interfaith leaders from all over Illinois to attend the June 20, 2020 Mass Poor … Continued

(OH) Toledo/NW OHPPC Mobilizing Workshop!

Vision Ministries South Toledo Campus 1630 Broadway Street, Toledo

We can't wait to meet all the folks in NW Ohio that want to join the PPC and help Mobilize and Organize Toledo! If you are interested in attending please … Continued

Art Build for the Moral March on Washington

Christ Lutheran Church 124 S 13th Street, Harrisburg

Join the PA Poor People's Campaign to create banners, signs, patches & t-shirts for the upcoming MORE Tour in PA on April 25 and the Mass Poor People’s Assembly & … Continued


SEIU Local 721 1545 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles

Join LAPPC for the screening of WE CRIED POWER, a documentary following the relaunching of the Poor People's Campaign by Rev. Dr. Barber and Rev. Dr. Theoharis. We will have … Continued


Bay Area Moral Budget Reading Group

Citizen Engagement Lab 1330 Broadway, Oakland

What will it take to truly address the systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, militarism, and war economy plaguing our country today? The answer is presented in the Poor People's Campaign … Continued