Poor People's Campaign
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April 19, 2020 @ 9:00 am11:00 am EDT

WHAT IS A STORY CIRCLE? A Story Circle is a small group of individuals sitting (virtually) in a circle, sharing stories from their own experience focusing on a common theme. We are inviting folks to engage with key themes, resources, and ideas generated by the Poor People’s Campaign. Imagine starting this way: “Let me tell you about the time…” Whatever story each person wants to tell is welcome. As each person in turn shares a story, a larger, richer, and more complex story emerges. Taken together, these stories can help us to develop a shared analysis of the problems our communities face and spark our imagination about what is possible when we take action together. By the end, people see both real differences and things their stories have in common. You may participate via video chat or by phone. The number and links will be sent to you after registering.

The Ohio PPC is also collecting stories around the interlocking injustices of poverty, racism, militarism, ecological devastation and the corrupt moral narrative of religious nationalism to be part of a national story bank to be shared and used to build the true profile of Ohio and the United States. Anyone interested in sharing stories for this purpose is also welcome to join us.

You do not need to be in Ohio to participate. Everyone is welcome. Here is the link to sign up, it is also below under tickets https://bit.ly/OHPPCStorycircle. We have story circles scheduled for May 18th and June 8th at 7PM EST, If these dates are not good for you, just fill out the form with the times that are most convenient.