Poor People's Campaign
July 19 @ 7:19 am EDT

New Hampshire people deserve a state budget that invests in our communities’ health, education, recovery, opportunity, and vitality. Not one that gives tax cuts to the wealthiest at the expense of essential services and programs. Stand with us to demand that we the people deserve a state budget that serves ALL Granite Staters!

Recently, the NH House passed the budget on a party-line vote, approving a proposal that would eliminate hundreds of positions in the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and underfund public health services by about $100 million.

These proposed cuts and shortfalls to DHHS are designed to pit our community services against each other. We invite you to join us to discuss and learn more about what it would take to break down the silos in our public health system, move beyond scarcity and meet the real needs of real people.

The fight for the budget is far from over. Join us to learn ways you can take action to demand that our elected officials build a budget that works for ALL of us.

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0udeqrrjwtGdJU1q1veZaxLfJg0x5yDMIR?fbclid=IwAR0pSCJBkSlOwHz8y1aXRiw8fnROSQCGVLhet7b_Ci50zsAgNCctG8Nu8RY

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New Hampshire people deserve a state budget that invests in our communities’ health, education, recovery, opportunity, and vitality. Not one that gives tax cuts to the wealthiest at the expense of essential services and programs. Stand with us to demand that we the people deserve a state budget that serves ALL Granite Staters!

Recently, the NH House passed the budget on a party-line vote, approving a proposal that would eliminate hundreds of positions in the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and underfund public health services by about $100 million.

These proposed cuts and shortfalls to DHHS are designed to pit our community services against each other. We invite you to join us to discuss and learn more about what it would take to break down the silos in our public health system, move beyond scarcity and meet the real needs of real people.

The fight for the budget is far from over. Join us to learn ways you can take action to demand that our elected officials build a budget that works for ALL of us.

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0udeqrrjwtGdJU1q1veZaxLfJg0x5yDMIR?fbclid=IwAR0pSCJBkSlOwHz8y1aXRiw8fnROSQCGVLhet7b_Ci50zsAgNCctG8Nu8RY