Poor People's Campaign
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August 24, 2020 @ 3:30 pm5:00 pm EDT

Join us for the National Moral Monday Digital March on McConnell this coming Monday, August 24 at 3:30pm ET / 12:30 PT to demand a comprehensive relief package and full funding of the USPS.

We will be joined by the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr., Mary Kay Henry, International President of the 2 million-member Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and Kentuckians who are challenging McConnell on his home turf.

We can’t stop now, we need the full funding of the US Postal Service, replacement of the hundreds of sorting machines removed from service, and a full relief package that deals with the current pandemics of COVID-19, systemic racism and rapidly growing poverty in this nation.

Tune in to the livestream on our website and on Facebook to take action on Monday to Save the Post Office, and Save Lives!

Forward together, not one step back!