Poor People's Campaign
July 19 @ 9:34 pm EDT

Moral Monday Caravans and Digital March on McConnell - Taking it to the States

Inspired by the powerful Moral Monday Caravans organized by the Kentucky and Washington DC Poor People’s Campaign, states across the nation are taking the fight to their Senators' offices with caravans and a massive call-in campaign to all US Senators demanding they stop McConnell's Meanness, Misery and Mayhem, put a stop to the cynical and hypocritical Supreme Court nomination process and pass a full relief package now!

The McConnell-led US Senate has refused to take up a full and comprehensive relief package during the greatest public health crisis in a century, but is now rushing to hypocritically rush through a Supreme Court nominee to fill the seat of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

We Will Not Be Silent in the Face of the Senate's Sins: Stealing the Supreme Court, Stopping Police Reform, Suppressing the Vote, Sabotaging the USPS, Stopping COVID Relief Bills, Stealing Healthcare, Stifling Living Wages, and Separating Families

We need everyone to join us on Monday, Oct. 5 at 3:30pm ET at fb.com/anewppc and poorpeoplescampaign.org/livestream, where we'll have live reports from each location and hold a massive call-in to your US Senator's offices.

The digital event will be captioned and ASL interpreted.

INTERESTED IN JOINING ONE OF THE CARAVANS? Sign up with your state below and you'll receive more information how to join the caravan in your state. Some states have multiple locations of their caravans.

CALIFORNIA Caravans Click Here

KENTUCKY Caravans Click Here

MAINE Caravans Click Here

MISSISSIPPI Caravans Click Here

NORTH CAROLINA Caravans Click Here

OHIO Caravans Click Here

OKLAHOMA Caravan Click Here

SOUTH CAROLINA Caravans Click Here

TEXAS Caravans Click Here

WEST VIRGINIA Caravan Click Here

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Moral Monday Caravans and Digital March on McConnell  Taking it to the States

Inspired by the powerful Moral Monday Caravans organized by the Kentucky and Washington DC Poor People’s Campaign, states across the nation are taking the fight to their Senators’ offices with caravans and a massive call-in campaign to all US Senators demanding they stop McConnell’s Meanness, Misery and Mayhem, put a stop to the cynical and hypocritical Supreme Court nomination process and pass a full relief package now!

The McConnell-led US Senate has refused to take up a full and comprehensive relief package during the greatest public health crisis in a century, but is now rushing to hypocritically rush through a Supreme Court nominee to fill the seat of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

We Will Not Be Silent in the Face of the Senate’s Sins: Stealing the Supreme Court, Stopping Police Reform, Suppressing the Vote, Sabotaging the USPS, Stopping COVID Relief Bills, Stealing Healthcare, Stifling Living Wages, and Separating Families

We need everyone to join us on Monday, Oct. 5 at 3:30pm ET at fb.com/anewppc and poorpeoplescampaign.org/livestream, where we’ll have live reports from each location and hold a massive call-in to your US Senator’s offices.

The digital event will be captioned and ASL interpreted.

INTERESTED IN JOINING ONE OF THE CARAVANS? Sign up with your state below and you’ll receive more information how to join the caravan in your state. Some states have multiple locations of their caravans.

CALIFORNIA Caravans Click Here

KENTUCKY Caravans Click Here

MAINE Caravans Click Here

MISSISSIPPI Caravans Click Here

NORTH CAROLINA Caravans Click Here

OHIO Caravans Click Here

OKLAHOMA Caravan Click Here

SOUTH CAROLINA Caravans Click Here

TEXAS Caravans Click Here

WEST VIRGINIA Caravan Click Here