Poor People's Campaign
July 19 @ 11:23 am EDT

Fearless, courageous women have been among the architects of every major social justice shift in the history of this nation. The prayer of Prathia Hall provided the cornerstone of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s iconic “I Have a Dream” speech, and the women of the National Welfare Rights Organization were instrumental in forming the original Poor People’s Campaign. We have learned from these women, and their mandate to us is to continue the fight for this country until it is filled with true liberty and justice for all. Yet today more than half of the nation’s 140 million poor and low-income are women and girls, the overwhelming majority of frontline workers are women including 58% of all low-wage workers, and women have been disproportionately impacted by the economic and social effects of the pandemic including job loss, child care loss, health care loss.

Joined by labor unions, faith leaders, poor and low-income people from dozens of states across the country, we will call on the Senate and the White House to make good on their campaign commitment to pass a $15/hr minimum wage now. We will demand the COVID package includes expanded unemployment benefits, expanded health care, vaccine equity and a guaranteed income for all! Join us as we continue to push Congress and the White House to enact our 14 Policy Priorities to Heal the Nation.

Click here for a digital toolkit to amplify the Campaign’s 14 Policy Priorities for the first 100 days!

**The online event will be ASL interpreted and open captioned.**

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Fearless, courageous women have been among the architects of every major social justice shift in the history of this nation. The prayer of Prathia Hall provided the cornerstone of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s iconic “I Have a Dream” speech, and the women of the National Welfare Rights Organization were instrumental in forming the original Poor People’s Campaign. We have learned from these women, and their mandate to us is to continue the fight for this country until it is filled with true liberty and justice for all. Yet today more than half of the nation’s 140 million poor and low-income are women and girls, the overwhelming majority of frontline workers are women including 58% of all low-wage workers, and women have been disproportionately impacted by the economic and social effects of the pandemic including job loss, child care loss, health care loss.

Joined by labor unions, faith leaders, poor and low-income people from dozens of states across the country, we will call on the Senate and the White House to make good on their campaign commitment to pass a $15/hr minimum wage now. We will demand the COVID package includes expanded unemployment benefits, expanded health care, vaccine equity and a guaranteed income for all! Join us as we continue to push Congress and the White House to enact our 14 Policy Priorities to Heal the Nation.

Click here for a digital toolkit to amplify the Campaign’s 14 Policy Priorities for the first 100 days!

**The online event will be ASL interpreted and open captioned.**