Poor People's Campaign
July 19 @ 9:37 pm EDT

The McConnell-led US Senate is willing to let you lose your employment, your unemployment, your health care, your home, your voting rights and even to let you die before they lift a finger to pass a FULL and comprehensive COVID relief package. But they are rushing to confirm a Supreme Court justice weeks before the election. Join the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival for a massive call-in to the US Senate and national call for people to rise up and vote on Monday. We'll be joined by leaders from battleground states across the nation to give reports from the field.

We Demand a Full COVID Relief Package and a Stop to the Supreme Court Power Grab! Click here to take action!

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The McConnell-led US Senate is willing to let you lose your employment, your unemployment, your health care, your home, your voting rights and even to let you die before they lift a finger to pass a FULL and comprehensive COVID relief package. But they are rushing to confirm a Supreme Court justice weeks before the election. Join the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival for a massive call-in to the US Senate and national call for people to rise up and vote on Monday. We’ll be joined by leaders from battleground states across the nation to give reports from the field.

We Demand a Full COVID Relief Package and a Stop to the Supreme Court Power Grab! Click here to take action!