- This event has passed.

We hope you were able to join us for the historic Mass Poor People’s Assembly Moral March on Washington.
On June 20, 2020, more than TWO MILLION people from Maryland and all across the nation gathered to make our voices heard and let everyone know that WE WON’T BE SILENT ANYMORE!
Now, the hard part begins.
You have been called to ACTION.
The Maryland Poor People’s Campaign invites you to an OPEN HOUSE, to connect with the Maryland PPC State Coordinating Committee and other Maryland (DMV) activists; and become a part of this new unsettling force sweeping the nation!
We invite you to learn about how you can be part of moving forward with us in the fight for economic justice with a goal of building permanent educated, organized communities.

This virtual event will be held on Zoom (accessible by web or phone), so you will need to register for access information.
Just click on the “Register NOW!” link below. SPOTS ARE GOING FAST!

If you haven’t already connected with us, please email us!
And please sign up at June2020.org!