Poor People's Campaign
July 19 @ 3:25 pm EDT

Marie was driving in heavy traffic when she first saw Charlotte; the elderly woman was laden with bags and struggling to get across the street before the light changed. Marie circled the block and offered mother a ride. Grateful, Charlotte accepted. Charlotte explained that she lived in a senior’s complex about a mile down the road; she is 71 years young and had already walked a mile and a half when Marie stopped.

In Colorado Springs, senior housing is rapidly being sold to developers and seniors are evicted with nowhere to go. Charlotte is anxious that her building could be next, and that she too will have nowhere to go.

Charlotte’s story is not a one off, and it is not unique to Colorado Springs. Housing is a Horror all across Colorado, and We Will Not be Silent Anymore! On Martin Luther King Jr.’s day, we will take our demand for statewide housing justice to Colorado Springs. Join us for the Jericho March and car caravan around the Housing Authority Headquarters in Colorado Springs. Y’all know the story about the walls of Jericho? The caravan will circle the building 7 times while a few CPPC members and clergy walk around it 7 times. On completion of the 7th caravan/walking cycle, we will blow the shofar, raise a great noise, and believe that the walls of housing injustice will come tumbling down.

JOIN US! Following the Jericho Marchavan, we will Host a Statewide Community Conversation (https://www.facebook.com/events/547775212862885/) on Housing inequities across Colorado and how Colorado can work together to change the narrative and it’s resulting horrific realities.

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Marie was driving in heavy traffic when she first saw Charlotte; the elderly woman was laden with bags and struggling to get across the street before the light changed. Marie circled the block and offered mother a ride. Grateful, Charlotte accepted. Charlotte explained that she lived in a senior’s complex about a mile down the road; she is 71 years young and had already walked a mile and a half when Marie stopped.

In Colorado Springs, senior housing is rapidly being sold to developers and seniors are evicted with nowhere to go. Charlotte is anxious that her building could be next, and that she too will have nowhere to go.

Charlotte’s story is not a one off, and it is not unique to Colorado Springs. Housing is a Horror all across Colorado, and We Will Not be Silent Anymore! On Martin Luther King Jr.’s day, we will take our demand for statewide housing justice to Colorado Springs. Join us for the Jericho March and car caravan around the Housing Authority Headquarters in Colorado Springs. Y’all know the story about the walls of Jericho? The caravan will circle the building 7 times while a few CPPC members and clergy walk around it 7 times. On completion of the 7th caravan/walking cycle, we will blow the shofar, raise a great noise, and believe that the walls of housing injustice will come tumbling down.

JOIN US! Following the Jericho Marchavan, we will Host a Statewide Community Conversation (https://www.facebook.com/events/547775212862885/) on Housing inequities across Colorado and how Colorado can work together to change the narrative and it’s resulting horrific realities.