Poor People's Campaign
July 19 @ 3:22 pm EDT

It's been over 50 years since Martin Luther King Jr formed and led the Poor People's Campaign to fight systemic poverty and racism. Today, these constructs remain intact compounded by effects of ecological devastation, a militaristic economy, and a false nationalistic moral narrative that sustains division and oppression. These moral injustices manifest in problems with healthcare, housing and homelessness, voter suppression, climate change, debt, and discriminatory policing, to name a few.

What's your story? How are you impacted? Do you believe in equal protection under the law and that people should not live and die in poverty in the richest nation on earth? Are you feeling all verklempt in today's political climate? Maybe you're beginning to sense a call to activism but aren't sure where to start? Join us in a northern Colorado Community Conversation of the Colorado Poor People's Campaign: A National Call For Moral Revival, standing together and committed to lifting up and deepening the leadership of those most affected and to building unity across lines of division. Let's talk. Let's build community. Let's get moving "forward together, not one step back".

Join us via Zoom! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81779237510?pwd=NldmOW1PZXNyNDVMakJESkpyWVZnQT09

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It’s been over 50 years since Martin Luther King Jr formed and led the Poor People’s Campaign to fight systemic poverty and racism. Today, these constructs remain intact compounded by effects of ecological devastation, a militaristic economy, and a false nationalistic moral narrative that sustains division and oppression. These moral injustices manifest in problems with healthcare, housing and homelessness, voter suppression, climate change, debt, and discriminatory policing, to name a few.

What’s your story? How are you impacted? Do you believe in equal protection under the law and that people should not live and die in poverty in the richest nation on earth? Are you feeling all verklempt in today’s political climate? Maybe you’re beginning to sense a call to activism but aren’t sure where to start? Join us in a northern Colorado Community Conversation of the Colorado Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call For Moral Revival, standing together and committed to lifting up and deepening the leadership of those most affected and to building unity across lines of division. Let’s talk. Let’s build community. Let’s get moving “forward together, not one step back”.

Join us via Zoom! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81779237510?pwd=NldmOW1PZXNyNDVMakJESkpyWVZnQT09